琼·费舍尔:Please, Do Mind the Gap

June Fischer: Please, Do Mind the Gap

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

琼·费舍尔 June Fischer

策展人 Curator:

谢宇 Xie Yu

地点 Venue:

拱形画廊 Arch Gallery

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

⇨展览评论 Exhibition Review

前言 Foreword:

⼈类⽆意识⾏为之下有意识的产物,是物质之间的相互的牵动和差别通过⼤脑的反馈变为现实,它表露出第⼆个⾃我与那些被遗忘的来源。⼈类诞⽣之初,未被侵蚀的⾃然早已存在。Please, do mind the gap,或许边界、语境、空间、时间早已被打破。


每个事件的发⽣都有必然性或偶然性,我们跟随June的⾃动书写(écriture automatique)的关键词,尝试寻找之间可能存在的联系。这是第⼆个⾃我的选择。将要发⽣的事件已被打破,事物的组合已经重新洗牌,被遗忘的来源被浮现。新的符号已出现在新的环境之中,它将重新被阐释,事物之间的组合已没有边界,新空间的时间线将被重组,我们之间的空间已被连接。


The conscious manifestations that arise from humanity's unconsc ious actions are the result of the interplay and differentiation among matters, transformed into reality through the feedback loop of the brain. They reveal a second self and the forgotten origins that lie withinAt the genesis of human existence, an untainted nature already existed. Please. do mind the gap, for perhaps boundaries, contexts, spaces, and time have long been shattered.

A page of enlightenment from the book has already materialized. Perhaps everything in this world has been meticulously orchestrated, or perhaps possibilities lie deeply embedded within all things. We are incapable of contending with nature, the pointer of destiny has already charted our course. But has everything been unveiled? The world imprints sensory semblances upon us, yet how can we fathom the entirety with our limited faculties? As DavidHume once pondered, "We cannot know the connection between cause and effect: we can only observe that certain things are invariably linked." Nothing is impervious: there will always exist crevices that elude our casual detection.

Each event unfolds with either inevitability or chance, and we follow the key words of June‘s automatic writing (ecriture automatique), endeavoring to discern the potential connections that lie within. This is the choice of the second self. The events that are about to transpire have been disrupted; the amalgamation of elements has been reshuffled, and the forgotten origins have resurfaced. New symbols have emerged within a fresh milieu, awaiting reinterpretation, as the boundaries between entities dissolve.The timeline of new space shall be reconfigured, connecting our spatial dimensions.

The barriers have been sundered, contexts deconstructed, and the self-world has coalesced into a new force that transcends. The temporal threads, with their jumbled sequences. are being reinterpreted afresh.