
Huang Zhe: Prospecting

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

黄喆 Huang Zhe

策展人 Curator:

梁勤 Liang Qin

地点 Venue:

Liang Project

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

前言 Introduction:



《轴心》系列让我们回望向雅斯贝斯(Karl Jaspers)的“轴心时代”:在同一历史阶段中对“终极关怀的觉醒”。轴心如同细胞的无限分裂,将历史带入了一种内在关联中。并在细胞中嵌入了一种内核,成为了看待与面对历史的映照,给予了希望的可能。当历史的卷轴徐徐拉开,看到了坚如磐石的意志,包容的平静,构建的缜密,凝聚的力量。这些渗透到意识的倒影里,形成了参照,抵抗了虚无。





The exhibition Prospecting presents four series of HUANG Zhe’s latest artworks, Axis, Such as The Milky Way, Composing Stones, and Innumerable Meanings in a Twinkling, which continued HUANG's interest in archaeology, and his reflection on the relationship between exploration and history in his artistic practice.

Foucault used the method of ‘prospecting’ to excavate the knowledge system of a specific era, to explore the history of ‘discontinuity’, with the technique of archaeology, and to search for the discourse structure of history in the process of rupture, transformation, and reconstruction. Taking ‘prospecting’ as a clue, HUANG Zhe tries to look back at a certain period with his practice, letting the rocks become a kind of ‘archive’, and exploring the revelation in the relationship between looking back at history and its construction.

HUANG Zhe’s Axis series takes us back to an ‘awakening of the ultimate concern’ in the same historical phase, as the ‘Axial Age’ coined by Karl Jaspers. Like the infinite division of a cell, the axis brings history into an inner connection and is embedded as a kernel in this cell. It mirrors the way we look at and face history and gives us a possibility of hope. When the scroll of history is drawn back, one sees a rock-solid will, a tolerant calm, and a well-constructed, cohesive strength. This will permeate the reflection of consciousness, form a reference, and meanwhile, resist emptiness.

Series Such as The Milky Way, attempt to explore the introspection that moved from the outer world to the inner sphere, held by the literati from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty; to explore why these scholars poured their ideals into stones and sought its support by an emotional of freedom and sensitivity. As WEN Zhenheng from the Ming Dynasty wrote in his book Changshu Zhi - Water and Stone, said, ‘A peak wall indicates the magnificence and precipitousness of Huashan, a spoonful of water reflects ten thousand miles of the rivers and lakes.’ The ‘magnificence and precipitousness’ here, are compared to the Milky Way, as the broadest imagination of the ancients for infinity. When these images point to the scholar’s rocks, it is to say, that they are a microcosm of the vastness and the wonder of nature, moreover, it is HUANG Zhe, the artist, who tries to present an unspeakable openness of the scholar’s rocks through the works. These images are not closed, instead run across their surrounding area, break through the limitations of the endless life in the irregular form, and steeply touch the temperature of the human heart, like in an inner Milky Way.

The Composing Stones series is inspired by the ancient Stonehenge, which is often associated with astrology, religion, memory, spiritual symbols, and other speculations. Behind the construction of Stonehenge, is a ‘Sisyphus’ in our imagination, and to wonder, whether the end of the construction, is the beginning of the search for light.

And the series of Innumerable Meanings in a Twinkling is like a slice of a historical archive. These works present, for example, a section of a rock formation, the surface of a weathered rock, the aggregation of crystals, and so on. A world that is acted by internal and external stresses plus time, like the structures in this archive, they are tiny but known through the formation of mechanisms with a microscopic insight.