
Off The Beaten Path - Illusions of New Generation Painting

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

陈思新 Chen Sixin黄亭 Huang Ting李关帅 Li Guanshuai李泽韬 Li Zetao刘唯一 Liu Weiyi张翔宇 Zhang Xiangyu

策展人 Curator:

胡昌茕 Hu Changqiong

地点 Venue:

三逺当代艺术 N3 Contemporary Art

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

前言 Introduction:



离谱,汉语词语,读音为lí pǔ,形容事物的发展脱离了规律性,不着调、不和谐,比喻一个人在说话、办事等方面不遵循惯例、习惯和规则。








Social media actively and passively produces, disseminates, and shapes the content of our current life content, which is disciplined by the affirmative data of likes and filled with seductive, smooth chaos. This phenomenon is how contemporary philosophers such as Han Byung-Chul describe the "transparent society." However, the "special subjectivity" in the outstanding artist still maintains a distance from the general subjectivity. It expands new space within the worldview through the establishment of language, providing mobility and possibilities for the expansion and renewal of our spirit. 

We invite six young artists living and working in Chongqing who are independent, uninhibited, and interact with each other. Through the construction and exhibition of the works on view and a series of interviews and exchanges, we present a transparent art site where visitors are encouraged to explore and dialogue with these artists' uniqueness.  

离谱, a Chinese word pronounced lí pǔ, describes the development of things that are going awry, out of tune, and disharmonious, and is often used about a person who does not follow the conventions, habits, and rules of speech or conduct and so on.

People's Daily (March 28, 1982):

"Strange talk is so bizarre as to be outrageous, and is neither wholesome fun nor truly intellectual."

(- from Baidu)

The scope of "interest and knowledge" in contemporary art is no longer encompassed by the Confucian system of thought of “painting is the thing which perfects the civilizing teachings (of the Sages) and helps (to maintain) the social relationships"; it encompasses both the Wei and Jin Dynasties metaphysics of "transgressing the name and religion and letting nature take its course" and "knowing thyself" engraved in the temple of Delphi, as well as the re-imagination of humans, the world, and the universe by online games, movies, and technology. The "genealogy" of contemporary thought has also unraveled from the familial, ancestral, and imperial genealogies constructed from the varying tensions among Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Having undergone the process of loosening the ties and cross-cultural exchanges, it has developed a new and diversified structure, at the same time, it has released a new façade of equality based on the concepts of "everyone is different" and "people are of their own kind." (Guo Xiang, "Notes on Heavenly Movement").

Contemporary life is measured by the principle of "health," downgrading living to survival. Individuals surviving in the increasingly unpredictable social environment and rules are, on the one hand, experiencing different degrees of "separation" all the time, and on the other hand, being constantly tightened into the new "convention" from "the one who has the heart to make the world follow his own way." Such knowledge of "separation," if not for the actual necessity of the present life, can be a beneficial game of interest in life nowadays.

Painting, with its ancient genealogy, also possesses an ontology from which a "separation" could occur. As we travel the globe and surf in transcultural networks, boundaries between different civilizations and aesthetics are juxtaposed, collapsed, and receded before our eyes, and then collide, intertwine, and diffuse in our suspended hearts. Contemporary painting is an expression through which the painter re-anchors the value of human nature. As delusionally as it’s been grown haphazardly, in reality, it’s the painter’s intentional departure and alienation from the traditional subject in their creative process. A moment when one is bound by physical reality and the specificity of space-time requires one's resolute spirit when confronting a blank canvas. Being off the beaten path is the phenomenon and the ontology; the lonesome and courageous painting song is also the majestic hymn of life.

Text by Hu Changqiong