
See You Orinoco

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

丁光禹 Ding Guangyu董雯霏 Dong Wenfei冯珏嘉 Feng Juejia黄亦凡 Huang Yifan黄振涵 Huang Zhenhan吕慧瑶 Lv Huiyao刘方向 Liu Fangxiang刘梓峰 Liu Zifeng刘溪子 Liu Xizi李百舸 Li Baige苗水仙 Miao Shuixian玛琳·斯泰恩 Marlene Steyn全能琪 Quan Nengqi汪子晨 Wang Zichen王克英 Wang Keying王子零 Wang Ziling张天语 Zhang Tianyu

策展人 Curator:

赵天润 Zhao Tianrun

地点 Venue:

Tong Gallery+Projects(北京)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

前言 Foreword:

位于委内瑞拉和哥伦比亚的奥里诺科河流域(Orinoco River Basin)是南美洲第三大河流,流域面积广阔,生态环境丰富,支持着多样的动植物生物群,充满着无数生命和无限可能。展览中的每件作品都像是流域中独立又相互交织的一条支流,其形态整合为一个自主的生态系统,形成了一个肆意生长的世界。

“真实”、”虚幻“、和“两者之间的中间地带” 或许可以高度概括人类感知中的三个维度。在奥里诺科流域中,“真实”是植被 - 作为整个雨林的支撑,浓密的枝叶在肆无忌惮的阳光下随心的生长着。它们形态各异、摇曳生姿,随风摆动,真实的成片存在着、连接着。当用眼睛看过去,却呈现出一种难以完全相信梦境般的幻想。”虚幻“是水汽 - 涵盖被雾气笼罩的地方。水雾是空气中的重型分子和大型颗粒,在空气中飘荡,随着阳光变化;时而淡化,时而浓重,是盖在雨林上的面纱。当站在其中,它在脸上、在肢体上,实在的附着着,真实存在着。“两者之间的中间地带”是湿地 - 植被和水的最直接结合体。植物根系交错,水流缓慢流淌,混杂着水的流动和土地的坚实。看过去,会感受到一种自然中的平衡与和谐,只是不要深入。

通过河流流域雨林,通过笔触色彩线条,一切模糊了现实与幻想的界限,造就了奥里诺科的独特。真实与虚幻并非对立 - 真实中的幻境虚幻中的真切,相互交融、相互混杂的。观者在其中自由穿梭,随意迸出。所以每一个开始都预示着一个结束,每一场冒险都有告别的时刻,正如这片雨林在等待着下一个探险者,奥里诺科也等待着下一次相遇。


Orinoco River Basin, located in Venezuela and Colombia, is the third largest river in South America. With its vast drainage area and rich ecological environment, Orinoco supports a diverse array of flora and fauna, brimming with countless forms of life and endless possibilities. Each artwork is like an independent yet interwoven tributary within this basin, forming an integrated ecosystem that creates a world of uninhibited growth.   "Reality," "Fantasy," and "the In-Between" may  perhaps succinctly summarize the three dimensions of human perception. In Orinoco, "reality" is vegetation - the backbone of the entire rainforest, where dense foliage grows freely under the uninhibited sunlight. These plants, with their diverse forms, sway gracefully and dance with the wind, existing in vast, connected patches. When viewed, they present an almost unbelievable dreamlike vision. "Fantasy" is vapor - areas shrouded in mist. The mist consists of heavy molecules and large particles suspended in the air, drifting and changing with the sunlight; it alternates between thinning and thickening, like a veil draped over the rainforest. When you stand within it, it clings to your face and body, tangibly present. "The in-between" is wetland - the most direct combination of vegetation and water. In these areas, plant roots intertwine, and water flows slowly, mixing the fluidity of water with the solidity of the land. Looking at it, one senses a natural balance and harmony, but it's best not to delve too deeply.

Through the river, basin,and rainforest; through strokes, colors, and lines, everything blurs the boundaries between reality and fantasy, creating the unique essence of Orinoco. Reality and fantasy are not opposites – they are intertwined, with real elements in fantasy and fantasy elements in reality, blending and mixing together. Viewers can freely traverse within, leaping from one experience to another. Thus, every beginning heralds an end, and every adventure has a moment of farewell. Just as this rainforest awaits its next explorer, Orinoco awaits the next encounter.

So, goodbye. So see you. See you, Orinoco!