野合:第一回——袁中天 个展

Wild Acts: Act I - Chris Zhongtian Yuan Solo Exhibition

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

袁中天 Chris Zhongtian Yuan

策展人 Curator:

萨伊姆·德米尔坎 Saim Demircan

出品人 Producer:

眭群 Sui Qun

地点 Venue:

剩余空间 Surplus space

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

前言 Introduction:

剩余空间将以艺术家袁中天(Chris Zhongtian Yuan)的新作《野合:第一回》(Wild Acts: Act I, 2024)为主题举办个展。这部电影是围绕“野人”(Yěrén)一这颇具神话色彩的形象展开的三部曲中的第一章。《野合:第一回》略带调侃地探讨了 1977 年迄今为止规模最大的寻找野人的行为,并试图通过家庭关系和制度背景对野人进行细致入微的解读。影片中的人物包括家庭成员、野人搜寻者、虚构人物、主流艺术家、已故艺术家以及歌剧演员。影片由艺术家自述和演唱,并由英国木偶师罗尼·勒·德鲁(Ronnie Le Drew)借助在战时制作的无名提线木偶进行表演。

此次展览还将展出《童年场景》(Childhood Scenes, 2023)。受文革时期捷克和中国动画电视节目的启发,影片通过定格动画重现了儿时的家庭和体制空间。童年的主题,包括学校的童谣、美院外立面、客厅的装饰、全家出游时看到的建筑起重机以及森林地区的神话,都被诡异地扭曲,并在剧场环境中重新演绎。此外,与上述两部影片同时展出的,还有两部影片中的建筑布景按比例缩小并3D 打印而成的一组雕塑。展览设在一座前英租界大楼内,通过在短时间内现场就地并 "即兴 "安装所有作品,巧妙并戏剧性地改变了原有的建筑空间。

《野合:第一回》由剩余空间委托制作,作品的研究得到了英国艺术委员会DYCP奖金(Arts Council England DYCP Grant)、伦敦金斯顿大学艺术学院(Kingston University London School of Art)和英国艺术与人文研究委员会(Arts Humanities Research Council)的支持。《童年场景》由萨默塞特宫基金会(Somerset House Trust)委托完成。

Surplus Space presents a solo exhibition by artist Chris Zhongtian Yuan, centring around a new film Wild Acts: Act I (2024). The film is the first chapter of a trilogy surrounding the mythical figure of Yěrén. Wild Acts: Act I playfully delves into the largest search of Yěrén to date in 1977, while attempting to draw nuanced readings of Yěrén through both familial relations and institutional contexts. Embodying characters including family members, search member, fictional figure, canonical, deceased artists and opera singer, the film is narrated and sung by the artist, and acted through an anonymous marionette puppet made during interwar years, performed by British puppeteer Ronnie Le Drew.

The exhibition also includes Childhood Scenes (2023). Inspired by Czech and Chinese animation TV programmes during the Cultural Revolution era, the film re-enacts the domestic and institutional spaces once occupied as a child via stop-motion animation. Childhood motifs including school nursery rhymes, art school facades, living room décor, and a construction crane saw during a family trip, and a myth in the forest region all surreally distort and re-performed in a theatrical setting. Accompanying the two films is a set of scaled sculptures, 3D-printed based on the architectural sets from the two films. Set in a former British Concession building, the exhibition subtly and theatrically transforms the original architectural space through installing all works in-situ within a short period of “improvisational” installation on site.

Wild Acts: Act I is commissioned by Surplus Space. The research is supported by Arts Council England DYCP Grant, Kingston University London School of Art, and Arts Humanities Research Council. Childhood Scenes is commissioned by Somerset House Trust.