舒肤家——吉奥格·诺德马克、陈高杰 双个展

Creature Comfort - Georg Nordmark and Chen Gaojie Dual Solo Exhibition

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

吉奥格·诺德马克 Georg Nordmark陈高杰 Gaojie Chen

地点 Venue:

拟像画廊 Simulacra Gallery

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

前言 Introduction:

SIMULACRA拟像将于2024年6月8日带来吉奥格·诺德马克(Georg Nordmark)和陈高杰(Gaojie Chen)的双个展「舒肤家 Creature Comfort」。当代生活中不规则的事件潮汐此起彼伏,去中心化的身份如幽灵游荡。我们同时扮演医生与病人;饲养员与动物。一个个临时搭建的手术台与保育区让我们迅速地解剖彼此又互相舔舐伤口,鲜血淋漓旋即不留痕迹。借由图像学的方法潜入日常之下的深处,两位艺术家研究系统结构的无形之手对表面世界的驯化与控制,以及个体与网络之间的冲突张力。防护服与野兽面具,被文明包裹的肉身与被兽性挟持的头脑,各种矛盾的象征符号在精心雕琢的意象中维持着脆弱的平衡,精神似乎已经被摊平为一张张斑斓闪烁的皮肤。在问题撕裂约定俗成的体面之前,我们是否仍有机会轻盈一跃,摆脱固定我们的铁锚,在因缘里变换角色,改写射向我们名字的咒语?也许本体应无所住,栖息在流动性之中才最为舒适。

两位艺术家分别从绘画和雕塑的角度,探讨了当下人类生活景观与自然环境之间的交互。陈高杰的作品类似于日常与神话的融合,在他诡谲、异化的意象之中,是艺术家童年时期山海经式的想象与当下生活经验的结合重构。Georg Nordmark通过挪用工具和引用艺术史研究“人类-动物学”现状的物质性,从而模拟动物控制和护理工具中固有的价值与隐喻。

SIMULACRA will present Georg Nordmark and Gaojie Chen's dual exhibition「Creature Comfort」on June 8, 2024. In contemporary life, the tides of irregular events rise and fall, with decentralized identities drifting like ghosts. We simultaneously play the roles of doctor and patient; caretaker and animal. Temporary operating tables and nurseries allow us to swiftly dissect each other and lick each other's wounds, with blood flowing profusely and disappearing without a trace. Using iconography to delve into the depths beneath the everyday, the two artists study the invisible hand of systemic structures that tames and controls the surface world, exploring the tension between individuals and networks. Protective suits and beast masks, bodies wrapped in civilization and minds held captive by animalistic instincts—various contradictory symbols maintain a fragile balance in meticulously crafted imagery. It seems that the spirit has been flattened into a shimmering, colorful skin. Before issues tear apart conventionally accepted decency, do we still have a chance to make a light leap, break free from the anchors that fix us, and change roles within causal relationships, rewriting the spells cast on our names? Perhaps the essence should reside without attachment, finding the greatest comfort in fluidity.

The two artists explore the interaction between contemporary human life and the natural environment from the perspectives of painting and sculpture. Gaojie Chen’s work resembles a fusion of the everyday and mythology, with his grotesque and alienated imagery reconstructing the combination of his childhood "Classic of Mountains and Seas"-style imagination and current life experiences. Georg Nordmark, through appropriation and art historical references, investigates the materiality of our ‘anthro-zoological’ present, exploring the inherent values in instruments of animal control and care.