
Li Sa: Eros and Madness

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

李飒 Li Sa

学术主持 Academic Advisor:

汪民安 Wang Min'an

策展人 Curator:

张晨 Zhang Chen

展览顾问 Consultant:

段少锋 Duan Shaofeng

地点 Venue:

三逺当代艺术 N3 Contemporary Art

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新闻稿 Press Release

前言 Foreword:





Li Sa's works in this exhibition consist of the artist's latest paintings, conjuring bodies and faces, bodies in a frenzy whose color and lines pierce the boundaries of their outlines, bodies empowered by love and desire, bodies constantly in motion and flux. In other words, these bodies embody “Eros and Madness.” Moreover, they are anonymous, androgynous with inhuman and impersonal features. Although these bodies are naked, they are not sensual, or rather; they are only exposing their naked lives and the fluidity of life that runs through such bodies. Hence, we cannot identify their actual source from their representations. On the other hand, the faces of the models may have lost their facial features in this stormy movement, losing order and possible reproduction. The works allow their spectators to confront power relations, struggle, collision, attraction, and tilting. And such a remarkable and tragic conflict discretely unfolds in our fragile flesh.

“Eros” in ancient Greek mythology, was, according to Hesiod, the ancient god of the uncharted sky, born into chaos, dating much earlier than the gods of Olympus and the even younger Christ, or it could be said that Eros predates the gods who ruled upon us and the reasons of power that shape individuals in society; it belongs to the nature of the body and life, a body is replete of Eros, without which we would lose the sense of the body; losing the necessity of possessing a physical body. In contemporary theory, there are two types of Eros: the psychoanalytic one, exemplified by Freud and Lacan, where Eros implies scarcity and always seeks to cling to an object, and the other, supported by Nietzsche and Deleuze, who conceived Eros to affirm the infinity of the self and the world, and where it is essential for us to not to look for an object of love, but rather to think about how to exercise the power of Eros, and to be conscious of the full potential in the body.  

It’s fair to claim that the multifarious bodies in Li Sa's works allow us to perceive these two types of Eros, where suffering from nonreciprocal love, the wanton struggle of the body, and silent cries, co-exist with the introspection, self-confidence, and re-affirmation behind the bodily forms amid struggles and cries; and their destiny to rise up, fight and throw themselves into the eternal cycle of reincarnation again. As such, these two types of Eros entangle in the chaotic bodies in these paintings, in other words, integrating these two types truly manifest the real body. Swaying and mutual transformation of Eros between these two polarities mark the secret of love and individual truth. In this sense, such works of art come from the artist's courage to speak the truth, while the power of Eros transcends theoretical limits, disrupting the temporal dimensions. The various forms of Eros come from different periods, paradoxically shape our bodies in conflict and restless life.  

Zhang Chen