
Xiong Haoqi: Out-of-order

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

熊浩棋 Xiong Haoqi

策展人 Curator:

唐一菲 Tang Yifei

地点 Venue:

蜂巢当代艺术中心 Hive Center for Contemporary Art · 生成 Becoming(上海)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

⇨艺术家自述 Statement

新闻稿 Press Release:

蜂巢当代艺术中心欣然宣布,将于 2024 年 4 月 26 日至 6 月 18 日以蜂巢·生成|上海空间呈现艺术家熊浩棋的最新个展:“蜂巢生成第四十九回  熊浩棋:白天的背面(Out-of-order )”, 由蜂巢当代艺术中心策展人唐一菲策 划 。展览将囊括艺术家最新创作的系列绘画。

熊浩棋的近期创作是带有自省意识地重新建立框架的过程。他的绘画以肌理的层叠演变贯通人物角色、物件和场景,在视觉的翻折、极限拉扯的点线面之间构成了隐于暗部的例外状态。这种偏离绘画惯常素养后的建构,以粗粝的笔触、复杂的视角和急需辨认的细节们将日常场景呈现出漂移的混沌感,仿佛对循规蹈矩的生活的无声叫嚣,指向的 是个体视角略微塌陷或下沉的日常并以此渴望在社会景观中抓住精神困境的一点点破绽。

展览“ 白天的背面 ”基于艺术家的创作本质和绘画方式,呈现的是回望少年时期去想象可能松动的秩序外的另一种生长,从而尝试剖析现代生活的不安和追寻慰藉 。此时的“ 白天 ”成为一种隐喻——在社会标准下的合规行动范式以及最为日常的日常,而浩棋在这些表象之下暗藏着自我辩证的胶着与叛离。这同时呼应于画面色调和场景,架空设置的永远昏暗的天色、永远在萧瑟中被毛衣包裹的角色们,仿佛身在与明亮温暖相对的时空缝隙之中。展览在第一人称和非常规观察者的视角之间不断跳跃,直面或窥探着当下自由散漫的少年日常,奇诡交错的画面陷阱构建了冲突的情境——失落蜷曲的身躯藏匿着唯一明晰和仍有戾气的眼睛,重访成长过程中曾经飘摇的自我和他者痕迹 , 试图想象一种不被驯服的可能 。画面中毛躁的肌理毫无边界地遍布身体和所处的空间,在扁平的图像本身堆叠了一层黏膜,将构图不断打破和重新联结,于是具有另类生命力的笔触不断在各种缝隙中生长和编织。这些熊浩棋对绘 画框架的新的尝试和探索,也是企图翻越绘画的“白天”,在破除闲适的美学距离后靠近新的平衡。

Hive Center for Contemporary Art is pleased to present artist Xiong Haoqi’s upcoming solo exhibition, “Out-of-order”, at the Hive Becoming space in Shanghai from April 26 to June 18, 2024. Curated by Tang Yifei, this will be the forty-ninth presentation of Hive Becoming Program. The exhibition will feature the artist ’s latest series of paintings.

Xiong Haoqi’s recent works reflect the process of re-establishing a structure with an introspective consciousness. Weaving layers of texture through figures, objects, and scenes, his paintings constitute a state of exceptionality concealed in the shadows between the visual twists and the extreme tension of points, lines, and planes. This kind of re-establishment that departs from the traditional methodology of painting, with coarse brushstrokes, complex  perspectives and details urgently demanding to be recognised, presents everyday scenes with a sense of erratic chaos, almost like a silent outcry against a life of conformity - it addresses the routine of daily life that is marginally collapsing or sinking from an individual ’s perspective, and in this way seeks to capture the slightest breach of the mental dilemma in the societal landscape.

Reflecting the artist’s creative nature and the methods of his paintings, “Out-of-order” presents a recollection of the adolescence to envisage another possible kind of growth beyond the potentially unsettled order, in an attempt to dissect the anxiety of contemporary life and to seek consolation. Here, “Out-of-order” becomes a metaphor - a paradigm of compliance within societal  norms and the most mundane of daily routines, while beneath these fa;ades Xiong conceals a self-serving dialectic of impasse and defiance. This corresponds to the palette and the setting of the images, where a perpetually dim sky and characters covered in sweaters in the midst of the bleakness seem to be situated in a time and space seam, in contrast to the brightness and warmth of the day. This exhibition constantly bounces between the first-person and the unconventional perspective of an observer, confronting or spying  into the everyday life of the contemporary unrestrained  adolescents, constructing bizarre and intricate visual snares into conflictual situations - only the pair of bright yet still ruthless eyes take shelter in the lost and curled-up body, revisiting the self and the other that once drifted in the process of growing up and attempting to imagine a possibility of remaining untamed. The rough texture in the painting boundlessly pervades the body and the occupied space, accumulating a viscous membrane on the flattened image, repeatedly disrupting and connecting the composition, where the  brushstrokes with alternative vitality continuously growing and weaving in every crevice. These new experiments and investigations of Xiong ’s painting structure serve as an attempt to transcend the “order” of painting, and to achieve a new kind of balance in the wake of breaking the aesthetic parameters of solace.