展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

颜程 Yan Cheng(Run)、孟佳 Meng Jia

策展人 Curator:

颜程 Yan Cheng(Run)

地点 Venue:


⇨360°观展 360° View

序言 Foreword:

“TROUBLE SMILE”是由潮流艺术家Run于2020年创立,根植青年文化,以潮流艺术为灵感的服饰品牌。 「RANDOM EXPERIMENT」是一个创意实验团队,成立于2020年。由团队成员孟佳以个人标识“鸽子”元素而命名的系列,以居家为生活场景,打造一系列家居生活产品。 

“DREAM HOME”艺术限时展览云端的奇思妙想,由 RANDOM EXPERIMENT 携手 TROUBLE SMILE 特别呈现。结合RE随机试验的标志性鸽子形象,并分别透过不同的艺术创作形式诠释此次合作的背后故事。梦幻般的展览空间内抽象与具象的描绘,平面与立体交错的视觉环境营造出虚实结合的情景,连结鸽子的主视角,唤醒每个人对于渴望置身云端的想象。

"TROUBLE SMILE" was founded by fashion artist Run in 2020. It is a clothing brand rooted in youth culture and inspired by fashion art. "RANDOM EXPERIMENT" is a creative experiment team established in 2020. The series named by team member Meng Jia after the element of his personal logo "pigeon" creates a series of home life products based on home life scenes.

The "DREAM HOME" art limited-time exhibition of whimsy in the cloud is specially presented by RANDOM EXPERIMENT in collaboration with TROUBLE SMILE. Combining with the iconic pigeon image of RE random experiment, and interpreting the story behind this cooperation through different forms of artistic creation. The abstract and figurative depictions in the dreamlike exhibition space, and the interlaced visual environment of plane and three-dimensional create a scene combining reality and reality, linking the main perspective of the pigeon, and awakening everyone's imagination of yearning to be in the clouds.