桑拿大可:Don't BUG me

Sangna Take: Don't BUG me

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

桑拿大可 Songna Take

地点 Venue:

诚品画廊 Eslite Gallery(台北)

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⇨新闻稿 Press Release

新闻稿 Press Release:

诚品画廊4月推出台湾艺术家桑拿大可个展「Don't BUG me」,这是他第一次在诚品画廊举办个展,展出绘画、陶艺系列,以及结合版画与绘画的新作共103组件 。 桑拿大可的人物,以略带杀气又厌世的眼神和表情著称,另带入他喜爱的时尚元素,传达生活中的各种小情绪,偶尔带着情色的小玩笑,反映时下年轻世代的文化 样态。

桑拿大可本名孙大可,1992年出生于高雄,2013年中国科技大学视觉传达设计系毕业,曾从事插画、设计等工作,现为专职创作者。 「桑拿大可」这个艺名的灵感,来自护照的姓名英文翻译「Sun Take」,他将「Sun」谐音为「桑」,「Take」翻译成「拿」,再加上本名就成了「 桑拿大可」,期待自己的画作也能如「桑拿」一般,予人在繁杂的日常生活里,产生舒压、放松的感受。

桑拿大可的创作启发自美国艺术家尚・米榭・巴斯奇亚(Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1960-1988)和日本艺术家奈良美智,灵感则从生活而来,个展名称「Don't BUG me」 (不要烦我),和「What's Up」(怎么了?)、「Veg Out」(耍废)等表达日常情绪的英文短句,反覆出现在作品当中,直陈内心所想之外,也让 画面产生故事性的联想。

桑拿大可笔下人物带着一股厌世感。 高中时期他爱看《超级名模生死斗》等时尚节目,当时模特儿界流行厌世、慵懒风格,也和他自身予人的感觉相似,画中人物的眼神便以此形塑而成,也延伸 至动物、非生物的拟人化表现,成为个人标志,如:《不同的蓝天与鸟》飞鸟的表情桀骜;《有点湿》描绘男性裤裆湿一片的窘境,溽湿处还被赋予五官表情,变成 泥巴怪似的不明生物。 除此,他也将童年回忆的第一代宝可梦共151种,以自己的风格重新诠释成画作《宝可梦图鉴》。

「放空的男子」、「泡澡」和「一种感觉」都是陶艺为主的新作系列。 喜欢釉烧的变化及其不确定性,桑拿大可将个人风格结合「生活陶」概念创作陶艺。 「放空的男子」是采舒适坐姿、身穿牛仔服饰的年轻男子塑像,可放香塔在男子体内,会从头顶冒出香烟袅袅,原始灵感是「气到七窍生烟的人」;「泡澡」 是绘有男子泡澡姿态的陶盘共13件,来自个人爱泡汤的乐趣;「一种感觉」是陶艺和纸上作品的组合,两者可互为想像的文本。 桑拿大可也首度展出48件绢印作品「享受生活」系列,其创作方式及使用的媒材为网版印刷结合自由的手绘笔触,以重复叠加的绘制,产生一幅幅充满奇趣 且幽默的异想画面。


ESLITE GALLERY is thrilled to announce the upcoming solo exhibition Don't BUG me by Taiwanese artist Sangna Take in April. Marking his inaugural solo showcase at ESLITE GALLERY, this exhibition features an impressive collection of 103 pieces, encompassing paintings, ceramics, and new works that blend printmaking with painting techniques. Characters created by Sangna Take are recognized for their subtly ominous and world-weary demeanor. His adept integration of cherished fashion elements expresses the nuanced emotions of daily life. At times, he interjects light erotic humor, mirroring the cultural tendencies of today's younger generation.

Sangna Take, whose real name is Sun Ta-ke, was born in 1992 in Kaohsiung. He graduated from the Department of Visual Communication Design at China University of Technology in 2013. With a background in illustration and design, he has now transitioned to being a full-time creator. The pseudonym Sangna Take was inspired by a playful fusion of his full name, Sun Ta-Ke, as it appears in his passport. "Sun" transforms into "Sang," a play on sounds, while "Ta-Ke" evolves into "Take." Interestingly, "Sangna" echoes the word for sauna in Mandarin. Through this moniker, he aspires for his art to serve as a haven of calm and rejuvenation for individuals caught in the whirlwind of daily routines, much like the restorative comfort of a sauna.

Drawing influence from American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) and Japanese artist Yoshitomo Nara, Sangna Take's artistic expression centers on everyday experiences. The title of his solo exhibition "Don't BUG me" along with other short English phrases such as "What's Up" and "Veg Out" recur throughout his pieces, candidly conveying inner sentiments and weaving narratives for each image. 

The figures portrayed by Sangna Take exude a sense of world-weariness, influenced by his fascination with fashion shows like America's Next Top Model during his high school years. At that time, the modeling industry was known for embracing nonchalant and effortless chic, a sentiment that he found personally resonant. This influence is visible in the characters in his artwork, which has evolved into a unique style that includes anthropomorphic interpretations of animals and objects, marking his distinct artistic signature. For instance, in Another Sky, birds are depicted with fierce, intense expressions; in Wet, he captures the awkward predicament of men with wet crotches, where amoeba-like mysterious entities are personified with facial features. Furthermore, drawing from the nostalgia of his childhood, he has reimagined the original 151 Pokémon in his unique artistic vision, culminating in the painting List of Pokemon G1. 

Man In a Daze, Take a Bath, and A Feeling represent new series that primarily explore the medium of clay. Captivated by the transformative nature and unpredictability of glaze firing, Sangna Take merges his artistic flair with the idea of "living ceramics". Man In a Daze sees figurines of young men in a relaxed sitting position, dressed in denim. Designed to hold incense cones within its form, smoke whimsically escapes from the top of the head, inspired by the concept of "a person so angry that smoke comes out of the seven orifices". Take a Bath consists of a collection of 13 ceramic pieces that capture the act of bathing, inspired by the artist's fondness for hot springs. A Feeling merges clay and paper art, with both elements acting as narratives that invite imaginative connections between them. 

Sangna Take possesses a unique talent for capturing the essence of seemingly mundane emotions through expressions in the eyes, fashion elements, and short phrases, effectively communicating the inner thoughts and feelings of people today. His art also serves as a representation of the younger generation's candid form of self-expression.