
LeaYoung: Diagram of the galaxy

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

李扬 LeaYoung

地点 Venue:

拟像画廊 Simulacra Gallery

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⇨新闻稿 Press Release

新闻稿 Press Release:

SIMULACRA 拟像将于2024年3月23日带来李扬(LeaYoung)个展「银河推背图  Diagram of the galaxy」。“图像性”象征的是视觉语言的激活,或一种跨越文化的共通中介。对图像的研究不仅制造新的可能性,同时也会引发对艺术本体的怀疑。所以在当代语境中,我们需要正视“图像”的意义与价值,也需要所有的参与者进行为什么式的发问。艺术家李扬的工作路径是以一种像素运算为基础的绘画方法论:生成-人体打印机。从再现马蒂斯,电子史前文明再到数字佛手,画家的意识正逐渐瓦解在客观且精确的点阵之中。但恰是此等长期的去主体化实践,能量和强度才真正浮出水面。

SIMULACRA is pleased to present「Diagram of the galaxy」, a solo show by Chinese artist LeaYoung, on March 23th. "Imagery" symbolizes the activation of visual language or a cross-cultural universal medium. The study of imagery not only creates new possibilities but also triggers doubts about the essence of art. Therefore, in the contemporary context, it is imperative to confront the meaning and value of "imagery," and it calls for inquisitive engagement from all participants. Artist LeaYoung's work pathway is a pixel calculation-based painting methodology: Generation - Human Body Printer. From representing Matisse, electronic prehistoric civilizations to digital Buddha's hands, the painter's consciousness is gradually dissolving into an objective and precise matrix of dots. Yet, it is through such prolonged practices of de-subjectification that energy and intensity truly emerge to the surface.