
I Built A Cave

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

陈蔚 Chen Wei伊娃·豪普特 Eva Haupt沃欣雨 Wo Xinyu吴泽坚 Wu Zejian

地点 Venue:

新氧艺 O2art(北京798)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

新闻稿 Press Release:

新氧艺O2art空间将荣幸推出群展「我建造了一个洞穴 I Built A Cave」,此次展览呈现四位艺术家:陈蔚、Eva Haupt(伊娃·豪普特)、沃欣⾬、吴泽坚的精选作品,展览于2024年3月16日开幕,展期将持续至2024年4月9日。

展览名源自艺术家Eva Haupt今年的新作“I Built A Cave And I Choose You”,这件作品中充满未知的形态似乎随时可能催生出新的变化,指向着柏拉图的“洞穴之喻”(Allegory of the Cave)——人的内心深处对可知世界的探求。在“灵魂转向”的过程中,艺术既是视野的缔造者,也是思想的解放者。感知的发散延展于情绪经验之上,在介于游离与纠缠的状态中试图靠近另一种真实。

因此,艺术成为了一种探索和扩展感知的方式。此次群展中的四位艺术家敏锐的捕捉、重组片段式的图像,将无意识的经验和流动的时刻与有意识的思维和行动编织在一起,构建出超越逻辑意义的独特精神洞穴。陈蔚此次的展出作品有十余年的时间跨度,新旧作的并置承载了艺术家思绪的延伸,她一向善于从微妙的细节处打开连接内心的大门,运用精湛的技艺营造画面神秘且诗意的表达。周遭万物经她笔下皆被化为沉静忧郁却充满叛逆力量的符号,不断回问着个体的存在与归宿。Eva Haupt试图寻求想象与图像的动态平衡,所有日常经验里的可见与不可见都被有意识地激发,超越透视逻辑的构图和自由的色彩融入在童话般的画面中,新的体验世界由此展开。 



O2art Space is honored to present the group exhibition "I Built a Cave," featuring selected works by four artists: Chen Wei, Eva Haupt, Wo Xinyu, and Wu Zejian. The exhibition will open on March 16, 2024, and run until April 9, 2024.

The exhibition title is derived from Eva Haupt's new work this year, "I Built A Cave And I Choose You," which is filled with forms of unknown that could give rise to new changes at any moment, alluding to Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" - a quest for the knowable world deep within the human heart. In the process of "the soul's turning," art is not only a creator of vistas but also a liberator of thought. The divergence of perception extends beyond emotional experience, attempting to approach another kind of reality in a state of detachment and entanglement.

Therefore, art becomes a way of exploring and expanding perception. The four artists in this exhibition keenly capture and reorganize fragmented images, interweaving unconscious experiences and fluid moments with conscious thought and action, creating unique spiritual caves that transcend logical meaning. Chen Wei's works in this exhibition span over a decade, juxtaposing old and new works that embody the extension of the artist's thoughts. She excels at unlocking the door to the inner self through subtle details, using exquisite painting skills to create mysterious and poetic expressions. Under her brush, everything around is transformed into symbols of serene melancholy yet filled with rebellious power, constantly questioning the existence and destination of the individual. Eva Haupt seeks a dynamic balance between imagination and image, consciously stimulating all that is visible and invisible in daily experiences. Compositions that transcend logical perspective and the free use of color merge into a fairy-tale-like image, unfolding a new world of experience.

Wo Xinyu depicts intricately interwoven personal memories in her works, imbuing the imagery with strong dramatic tension and surrealistic associations, exploring the goodness in humanity through the sculpting of "light." Wu Zejian focuses on self-exploration and the expression of the mind and heart, delving into the emotional communication between people from a diaristic perspective. The color palette is restrained and obscure, with delicate brushwork texture, hiding layers of interwoven emotions, creating a soft yet filament-like atmosphere of alienation, exploring a serene and comfortable spiritual world amidst intimacy, solitude, and desire.

Their works feature diverse brushwork textures, whimsical visual elements, and various techniques, yet they collectively extend the resonance between the individual and the external in a secretive and ambiguous emotional atmosphere. All perception and expression are thus triggered, familiar memories are subverted, and the works present moments that are difficult to replicate with the precision of multiple senses, evoking the viewer's subconscious reactions and conveying a new, diffuse world of images, thereby evoking deeper resonance and comfort.