
Mike Lee: Fishbowl

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

迈克·李 Mike Lee

地点 Venue:

四方当代美术馆 Sifang Art Museum(上海铜仁路空间)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

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⇨新闻稿 Press Release

新闻稿 Press Release:

美籍韩裔艺术家Mike Lee的个展“鱼缸”将于2024年1月26日在四方当代美术馆位于上海联华公寓的铜仁路空间开幕。在延续过往数字风格的同时,Mike Lee在其2023年的新作中将碎片化的构图与无尽变化的灰度相结合,重拾情感流动与记忆片段中的人性化经验。

Mike Lee 1983年生于美国加州的一个移民家庭,他的作品关注美国第二代移民的身份认同与生存境遇,并将高度个人化的经历转化为普世的内在情感体验。黑白灰的极简用色、Photoshop与AI制图的电子感,画家的手感和丰沛的情绪仿若图层一样叠加:Mike Lee的绘画如同科技时代人类生存境况的隐喻——在无限的平滑与精确中,留存“人”的痕迹。

在四方当代美术馆上海铜仁路空间中,Mike Lee作品中的精致元素与粗砺的空间形成鲜明对比。“我用尽全力打磨自己的作品,让它们看起来尽可能完美、洁净,但其实我们都在做自己内部的工作,我们尝试改变,我们一直在建设我们的心灵。这个‘诚实’的、不完美的非白盒子空间,就像我们所有人。”

在这个“诚实”的空间中,Mike Lee用融合了数字风格和画家之手的作品,穿透虚幻和真实的边界。正如卡夫卡所说:“我们清醒地穿过梦境,我们自己只不过是过去岁月的一个幽灵。”


Korean-American artist Mike Lee’s solo exhibition Fishbowl will open on January 26, 2024 in Sifang Art Museum’s Tongren Road Space, inside the historic Avenue Apartments in Shanghai. While persisting with his digital style, Mike Lee integrates fragmentary compositions with ever-changing greyscale in his new works created in 2023, retrieving humanized experiences found in emotional fluxes and episodic memories.

Mike Lee was born in 1983 to an immigrant family in California. His oeuvre centers on the identity and survival issues surrounding second-generation American immigrants, transforming highly personal experiences into universally resonant inner emotions. Amidst the minimalist tones of black, white, and grey, and the digitality of Photoshop and AI-generated images, the tactile sense of the artist’s hand and emotional affluence build up like image layers. Lee’s painting serves as a metaphor for the human condition in the era of technology—exploring how to preserve traces of “human” in a vast landscape of smoothness and precision.

The refined elements in Mike Lee’s work form a stark contrast with the coarse appearance of Tongren Road Space in Shanghai. “I do everything I can to make my work as perfect and clean as possible,” says the artist, “but in the end we’re all work in progress inside.” He continues: “We’re constantly trying to change it and it’s always under construction. So I thought it was a very honest interior. You know, not just interior in the space but also in all of us too.”

In this “honest” space, Mike Lee’s works, integrating digital style with the painter’s touch, seem to traverse the boundaries between the fictional and the real. To quote Kafka: “Walking awake through a dream, we are merely specters of a bygone era.”

The exhibition is on view through February 29, 2024.