

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

李关帅 Li Guaishuai蒋小余 Jiang Xiaoyu李可津 Li Kejin高英普 Gao Yingpu于航 Yu Hang郑田明 Zheng Tianming王超群 Wang Chaoqun赵新宇 Zhao Xinyu朱湘闽 Zhu Xiangmin张海君 Zhang Haijun张炜 Zhang Wei朱逸舟 Zhu Yizhou亓文章 Qi Wenzhang张小危 Zhang Xiaowei范桦晓 Fan Huaxiao李子麟 Li Zilin刘家铭 Liu Jiaming林枞 Lin Cong

策展人 Curator:

赵蕴资 Zoey Zhao

地点 Venue:


⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

新闻稿 Press Release:

BLANKgallery 画廊欣然呈现2024年首展: 记忆。其中精选了与画廊密切合作的国内重要新锐艺术家作品。本次展览将着重于展示大尺幅绘画作品,围绕记忆作为主题展开讨论其如何作为重要的线索、印象和灵感启发艺术家的创作。




The gallery is delighted to present the first exhibition of 2024, titled "Memories”, featuring a selected showcase of works by significant emerging Chinese artists with whom the gallery has closely collaborated. This exhibition will emphasize the presentation of large-scale paintings, exploring the theme of memory and discussing how it serves as a crucial thread, impression, and inspirational source for artists. 

The group exhibition focuses on artists' individual creative processes-how they perceive, revisit, and imagine memories, and further delves into how they integrate their distinctive artistic language and ultimately presenting it on canvas. The creative process itself also parallels the formation of memories in the mind: The process of generating memories stimulates the brain to store and process objective experiences over time, undergoing transformation and growth in various modes of thought. In contemporary times, memories are not merely derived from firsthand experiences but can also be acquired from screens, emotional impulses, dreams, art history, and other sources. This complexity expands the concept of memory in painting within the contemporary art scene. It delves into how artists process images, whether in the presence of individual consciousness, or rationally construct, or rather create a form of emotion.

From the artworks, the group exhibition is presenting within a unified aesthetic. This is particularly evident in how artists express psychedelic resembled feelings and compelling energies and states through the use of conflicting colors. This immersive experience allows viewers to engage with memories, distancing themselves from reality, seeking solace, using it as an escape, or perhaps finding enlightenment within.