朱子涵:意识 能量到实相

Vinsperger: Consciousness Energy to Reality

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

朱子涵 Vinsperger

地点 Venue:

针画廊 Pin Gallery

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新闻稿 Press Release:

PIN将于1月20日呈现艺术家Vinsperger的个展「意识 能量到实相」。艺术家探寻意识纬度坍塌和重构间隙中的痛感共鸣,试图将创伤状态具象化,通过冷却、公开、被审视来消解毫无头绪的跃升欲望,使个体得以喘息。幻象里的眩晕会酝酿出恐惧。在喘息之间或许能够尝试窥探一眼对方所谓的世界。


PIN is pleased to present「Consciousness Energy to Reality」, a solo show by Vinsperger, on January 20th. The artist explores the resonance of pain within the collapse and reconstruction of consciousness dimensions, attempting to materialize the state of trauma. By cooling off, exposing, and scrutinizing, the artist seeks to dissolve the elusive desire for transcendence, allowing for a moment of respite. Illusions of vertigo brew fear. In these breaths, one might attempt a glimpse into the so-called world of the other.

This is a quiet ceremony, unexperienced by anyone to the end, and thus, it can't be claimed as a new beginning.