
Feng Zhijia: The Birth of Sequence

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

冯志佳 Feng Zhijia

策展人 Curator:

郑果 Zheng Guo

地点 Venue:

昊美术馆 How Art Museum(上海)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

前言 Preface:




展览“序列诞生” 共呈现了冯志佳的二十五件作品,其中大部分画作的内容来源于大众所熟知的经典之作。从艺术语言的角度来说,冯志佳赋予笔触力量,构建有迹可循的序列;从视觉内容的角度来说,冯志佳恰恰打破了人们的固有认知,让既定画面成为“无序”的状态。这种在有序的框架里迸发无序的跳脱感,正是艺术家赋予作品的生命力。

“序列诞生” 是冯志佳对于忽略之物的捕捉,是艺术家对于笔触的把控与语言的塑造,更是个体对庞大外部世界的思考与探索。


In the nineteenth century, Impressionism released painting from the traditional shackles of grand narratives, initiating a historic turn towards the de-centring of the entire art world and the pursuit of depicting daliylife. Artist Feng Zhijia's "split vision" creation method is similar to this one. Feng Zhijia uses the content of his paintings as his medium and the language of his creation as his main research direction, and continues to establish a unique artistic language through the means of de-focused expression, visualising the faults, shadows, and patches that lie beyond the focus of the eye. This creative method of presenting the neglected fragments of vision outside the focus not only brings a new visual experience to the viewer, but also explores the existence potentially outside the mainstream narrative through a decentred approach.

Feng Zhijia's creative language changes with the accumulation of time, and this change is not fluid, but has a progressive relationship. His new solo exhibition The Birth of Sequence, with the Sequence series as the main theme and the Split Vision series as an extension, shows the artist's construction of the creative language, which breaks through people's impression of traditional painting themes. The artist's construction of creative language breaks through people's impression of traditional painting themes. Feng Zhijia changes the subject of content from objective objects to painting language, and then tries to mould this painting language, which is open and can generate new structures, into a unique language symbol.

Systems theory proposes the concept of a large set of worlds, in which everything appears to be independent of each other but is actually related to each other. Sequence, on the other hand, is the law formed by the correlation between things. From biological genes to the natural alternation in the universe, Feng Zhijia keeps exploring the micro and macro sequences in life. The symbols created based on the artist's keen observation of sequences present to the viewer the condensed aesthetics and the inherent aesthetics of sequences, thus triggering people to think about life in a new way.

The exhibition The Birth of Sequence presents twenty-five of Feng Zhijia's works, most of which are inspired by well-known classic paintings. From the perspective of artistic language, Feng Zhijia empowers his brushstrokes to construct sequences that can be traced; from the perspective of visual content, Feng Zhijia precisely breaks people's inherent perceptions and makes the established images "disordered". This sense of jumping out of disorder within an orderly framework is precisely the vitality that the artist gives to his works.

The Birth of Sequence is Feng Zhijia's capture of the things that are neglected, the artist's control of brushstrokes, the shaping of language. More important, it’s the individual's thinking and exploration of the huge external world.

Text: Zheng Guo