
The Fool Who Takes Half a Step Forward

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

安基宕 Anjin Dang懒栏 LazyBackHome杨明 Yang Ming

策展人 Curator:

林书羽 Lin Shuyu

地点 Venue:

局外人画廊 Outsider Gallery

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List (Anjin Dang)

⇨展品清单 Works List (Yang Ming)

前言 Introduction:


The whimsical imagination that sprouts randomly, has long fallen into the rusty tracks of thought. Shot by shot, it cyclically plays out in an organic sequence. It freely roams the boundaries of unclaimed territory, yet unwittingly becomes a rhythmic, repetitive, and mechanical operation. Information and images from different dimensions are trapped on electronic screens, mercilessly shattered by ultra-high-hertz frame rates into fine sand that drips to the bottom of an hourglass. Within the crevices, fantasies take shape and randomly combine, forming a lifelike body cloaked in mystery.In the inverted telescope, everything seems inconsequential, like ants on an elephant's back. Sufficient courage is perceived as weakness, and reaching out hands for touch becomes a signal of disdain for evasion and retreat. The observer, maneuvering in the corners, attempting to escape the onslaught of the virtual digitized hurricane, is mistaken for a fool cautiously taking half a step forward.Before the flickering giant screen, there is a blind revelry in the new era, where the sober crown is indiscriminately awarded to outsider illuminated by the spotlight in the distance. As this coronation ceremony is led by the lost majority, observers take a half-step back, engaging in their habitual deceptive maneuvers into the void, emitting tolerant mockery, leaving behind an undecipherable speech after the taunting.