
Primordial Dream

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

季鑫 Ji Xin王一 Wang Yi吴凌昊 Wu Linghao林枞 Lin Cong贾卉 Jia Hui大志 Dazhi于航 Yu Hang蒋衢阳 Jiang Quyang孙珂 Sun Ke范桦晓 Fan Huaxiao王超群 Wang Chaoqun

策展人 Curator:

赵蕴资 Zoey Zhao

地点 Venue:


⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

新闻稿 Press Release:

BLANKgallery 于2023年12月2日至2024年1月10日欣然呈现东京空间首次展览:初始梦。梦时常作为一个人深层意识方面的揭示。它每每以并列的方式出现,迫使人们以只有做梦者才能理解的直接方式面对他们的欲望和恐惧。借鉴荣格的观察,梦的最初叙述往往以对清晰意象的记忆相对较低为特征。相反,它们给个人留下了强烈的情感和高度的反思意识。




BLANKgallery is pleased to present the inaugural exhibition: Primordial Dream, at our Tokyo space from December 2nd to January 10th 2024.

The aspect of dreaming serve as a revelation of the fundamental aspect of one individual's consciousness. It arises in a juxtaposed manner, compelling the person to confront their desires and fears in a direct position that only the dreamer comprehends.Drawing from Jung's observations, the initial narratives of dreams often feature a relatively low memorization of clear imagery. Instead, they leave individuals with potent emotions and a heightened reflective awareness.

Art is one of the form that awakes people from the world. And a crucial quality an artist must embody to fulfill their role as a messenger is vulnerability, delving deep into the consciousness of the primal dream. By immersing themselves entirely in the dream, the reverie, life is awakened.

This group exhibition showcases the selected works of participating artists, exploring the genesis of awareness and their realization of how world approach to them. Each artist employs a unique methodology on canvas, unveiling a prolonged discussion on the human experience in relationship with one's consciousness. The distinctive approach simultaneously constructs a parallel realm, through painting it immerses us in a realm diametrically opposed to sobriety.