在肉中——孙珂、史达 双个展

In The Flesh - Sun Ke and Shi Da Dual Solo Exhibition

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

孙珂 Sun Ke史达 Shi Da

地点 Venue:

拟像画廊 Simulacra Gallery

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新闻稿 Press Release:

SIMULACRA 拟像将于2023年12月16日呈现艺术家孙珂 (Sun Ke) 以及史达 (Shi Da) 的双个展「在肉中 In The Flesh」。在本次展览中,“实有”和“虚无”不断模糊着肉与灵的边界,试图扒开藏在表皮之下的本能。二元结构被消解,浮现出更为丰富多元的感知世界。无穷多的存在先于本质,在社会文明掩盖之下尖叫;现实世界里看似永远无法被掀翻的天花板之下,在被公之于众的一刻,躁动消散。


SIMULACRA is pleased to present「In The Flesh」, a dual exhibition by artists Sun Ke and Shi Da, on December 16th. In this exhibition, The boundary between flesh and spirit is constantly blurred by "reality" and "void" in an attempt to peel away the instincts hidden beneath the surface. Dualistic structures are dissolved, and a richer and more diverse world of perception emerges. An infinite number of existences precede the essence, screaming under the cover of society and civilisation; under the ceiling of the real world, which seems to be never to be lifted, the moment it is made public, the agitation dissipates.