
Order - A Case Study of Chinese New Painting II

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

蔡磊 Cai Lei刘韡 Liu Wei马灵丽 Ma Lingli倪有鱼 Ni Youyu欧阳春 Ouyang Chun余晓 Yu Xiao

出品人 Producer:

李雅璐 Amy Lee

地点 Venue:

又生空间 Cycle Space

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

前言 Preface:




情感秩序是秩序的心理内核。我们面临的建基在理性之上的现代秩序或已陷入过度微观化的狭隘格局,重新思考情感与秩序的关系问题具有比以往任何时代都大得多的现实意义。倪有鱼《日食》(2018-2019)通过“水冲法”再造光线和节奏的新奇体验,镌刻时间的秩序。“Montmajour Vincent”签名提醒观众此幅图像来自历史的经验,同时艺术家重新安置了一轮景观,“古与今”“真与假”的景象对照中,调度着观众的情绪。艺术家马灵丽通过手捏绢布创作出近似神殿、人体结构或舞台序幕的舒展结构,数字系列的标题代表了她与画布发生动作关系的次数,《11》(2023)条褶皱仿若“神性”的映射。“有些人认为这种神性是’道’,也可能是你心中的’秩序感’。”


Order, as a concept, was proposed by E.H. Gombrich in the 1980s, is a psychological representation of decorativeness widely found in human artistic creations. Along with the flow of contemporary art, the development of social theory and the advancement of philosophical research, the scope of discussion on the term 'order' has gradually expanded. This exhibition brings together six artists to continue the research on 'Chinese New Painting' at CYCLE SPACE, exploring the contemporary interpretation of 'order' from perspectives such as formal order, social order, and emotional order.

Social order is the theoretical concern of order. In an organic system composed of 'people', order becomes the basis for movement and stillness, the core of unity and division, and an important theme for contemporary artistic interpretation. Liu Wei's Wall of the World (2009)uses cowhide, an unconventional medium to establish a connection between human desires for status and animal desires for food, examining the will to power and mocking the fragile order of power. This series, exhibited at the Pentagon, St. Paul's Cathedral, and Tate Modern, adds a layer of geography and space to the works, reconstructing the torn and reshaped scene of people's journey forward. Ouyang Chun's Dead End of the King (2006) constructs a sharp contrast with the image of a deceased king in magnificent robes, with color, brushstroke, and shape alluding to the collapse of feudal dynastic order, sorrowful yet ridiculous.

Formal order is the external manifestation of order. "The sense of order exists in all artistic styles, rooted in human biological inheritance." This original 'rhythm' found in decorative works has since been developed into abstract and other artistic forms. In the works of artists such as Yu Xiao and Cai Lei, it is clear to see their discussion on formal order relationships between 'inside and outside', 'near and far', and '2D and 3D'. Yu Xiao's Roll (2017-2018) series hides the appearance of two paintings and stick them face to face, with one of the work cut, rolled up and folded, allowing the artist to re-evaluate and select the visible range of the original painting. This is an innovative approach to creative order, as well as a metaphor for cultural overlap and a pointer to bodily order. Cai Lei's Corner 3 (2015) focuses on visual reasoning, bringing collisions between different landscapes together and breaking down the dimensional order, allowing the audience to freely traverse an infinite spiritual wilderness.

Emotional order is the psychological core of order. The modern order based on rationality may have fallen into an overly narrow pattern of hyper-microscopic analysis; therefore, rethinking the relationship between emotion and order has a much greater practical significance than at any time in the past. Ni Youyu's Solar Eclipse -Montmajour Vincent (2018-2019) creates a new experience of light and rhythm through 'water flushing', carving out a temporal order. The signature 'Montmajour Vincent' reminds us that this image comes from historical experience while also relocating a round landscape; with scenes of 'ancient times and nowadays', 'truth and falsity' juxtaposed together, they orchestrate the audience's emotions. Artist Ma Lingli creates a fluttering structure resembling a temple, human body structure or stage curtain through hand-pinched silk cloth. The title of her digital series represents the number of times she has interacted with the canvas. In her work 11 (2023), wrinkles resemble an "illumination" reflection from "divinity". "Some people believe that this divinity is 'Dao', it may also be your sense of 'order'."Order, logic, reason, rules are all tools that humans use to facilitate rational research into the world and manage society. We naturally desire to standardize everything with order and seek a positive solution. However, art is constantly moving forward in complex relationships where we can only provide limited perspectives for these six artists in Chinese contemporary painting through different types of 'order'. It is only a matter of perspective in viewing their creations. The tensions between establishing order and dismantling it create oscillations that are at once revolutionary and future-oriented.