林书传 Lin Shuchuan

Photo: Courtesy of Lin Shuchuan

1986年出生于湖南,策展人,纪录片制片人。现任职南京艺术学院美术馆。2007年开始从事艺术策展工作,长期以展览、文献、纪录片方式关注中国非体制年轻艺术家的生活与创作状态。曾策划或执行“复调”——中国艺术生态调查、“亚自由”、“China Now”、“策展研究计划”等长期展览项目,及邱志杰、岳敏君、朱赢椿、常青、沈勤、沈烈毅、井上有一等艺术家个展。

Born in Hunan in 1986, curator and documentary producer. Currently works at the Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts. He started working as an art curator in 2007 and has long been paying attention to the life and creative status of young non-institutional artists in China through exhibitions, documents and documentaries. He has planned or executed long-term exhibition projects such as "Polyphony" - Chinese Art Ecological Survey, "Asian Freedom", "China Now", "Curatorial Research Plan", etc., and worked with Qiu Zhijie, Yue Minjun, Zhu Yingchun, Chang Qing, Shen Qin , Shen Lieyi, Ichi Inoue and other artists’ solo exhibitions.


Li Baoxun: Imaginary Number

逸空间 East Gallery 南京