王心钰 Wang Xinyu

Photo: Courtesy of Arch Gallery

出生于湖南,毕业于天津美术学院,进修于法国北加莱公立高等美术学院当代艺术创作和艺术管理。自2020年从事艺术策展、媒体策划、艺术评论、以及艺术机构运营等相关工作。曾担任逅艺艺术中心执行馆长、高翎欧洲艺术品文学总监。现任职于Arch Gallery拱形画廊担任学术总监及策展人。长期专注于当代艺术个案专题研究、美术史论研究以及心理学在艺术创作中的能效研究。

Born in Hunan, he graduated from the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and further studied contemporary art creation and art management at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Nord-Calais, France. Since 2020, he has been engaged in art curation, media planning, art criticism, and art institution operations and other related work. He once served as the executive director of the Chuyi Art Center and the literary director of Gao Ling European Artworks. Currently working at Arch Gallery as academic director and curator. He has long been focused on case studies of contemporary art, studies of art history, and research on the energy efficiency of psychology in artistic creation.

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Flower For Algernon

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