莱奥妮·芬尼格 Leonie Pfennig

Photo: Courtesy of HOW Art Museum


她定期向 Monopol Magazine、Stadtrevue Köln 等杂志投稿,并为艺术家、画廊和机构撰写文本和目录文章。她还为公共机构的出版物供稿,例如弗柯望博物馆 (Museum Folkwang Essen, 2023), 阿尔贝蒂娜博物馆 (Albertina Wien, 2021), 罗斯托克美术馆 (Kunsthalle Rostock, 2020), 门什豪斯博物馆 (Mönchehaus Museum Goslar, 2020), 波恩艺术博物馆/威斯巴登博物馆/开姆尼茨艺术收藏馆/堤坝之门美术馆 (Kunstmuseum Bonn / Museum Wiesbaden / Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz / Deichtorhallen Hamburg, 2019/2020), 奥弗贝克艺术协会 (Overbeck Gesellschaft Lübeck, 2019), 汉堡火车站博物馆 (Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, 2018), 路德维希博物馆 (Museum Ludwig, 2018) 等。

2021年,她因写作而被达姆施塔特分离派(Darmstadt Secession)予首届卡洛·米伦多夫奖(Carlo Mierendorff Prize)。2022 年,她出版了图书《正在进行的工作,关于工作的对话》。她还是国际艺术评论家协会德国分会(AICA Germany)的成员之一。

Born in 1983, lives in Cologne, Germany as a freelance author, critic and editor. After studying art history and European ethnology in Berlin, she worked for various galleries, magazines, publishing houses and was press officer at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne.

She regularly contributes texts to magazines such as Monopol Magazine, Stadtrevue Köln, and others, and writes texts and catalogue essays for artists, galleries and institutions. She has contributed texts to publications for public institutions such as Museum Folkwang Essen (2023), Albertina Wien (2021), Kunsthalle Rostock (2020), Mönchehaus Museum Goslar (2020), Kunstmuseum Bonn / Museum Wiesbaden / Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz / Deichtorhallen Hamburg (2019/2020), Overbeck Gesellschaft Lübeck (2019), Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin (2018), Museum Ludwig (2018), among others.

In 2021, she was awarded the first Carlo Mierendorff Prize by the Darmstadt Secession for her writing. In of 2022, she published "Work in Progress. Conversations about Work." She is a member of the art critics' association AICA Germany.

见地:金阳平 & 凯·徐曼兹

Eye Height: Jin Yangping & Kai Schiemenz

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