印帅 Yin Shuai

Photo: Courtesy of Inside-Out Art Museum

生于1991年,是一位中国策展人,工作生活于米兰与上海。米兰NABA美术学院视觉艺术与策展专业讲师,2018年起留校任教。其发起的出版计划“AP Project”与德国Archive Books出版社合作,出版当代艺术思潮系列图书。其项目《珊瑚岛上的死光》入选2021年PSA青策计划,《幼年与历史》参加2019年OCAT研究型策展方案入围展,他作为策展团队成员参与北京中间美术馆展览《希望的原理》,近期展览项目还包括《苏麻离青——游牧的兀鲁思》、《VAI PURE – 女性艺术阅读室》等。2017、2018年他作为策展助理参与了银川双年展、安仁双年展等其文章及译文曾发表于《Segno》《公共艺术》《L@ft》《Mousse》《画刊》《信睿日报》《艺术新闻》等专业艺术杂志。


Born in 1991, he is a curator who lives and works in Milan. He has collaborated with FM Centre for Art Contemporary (Milan) since 2015 and became a lecturer at NABA in 2018. In 2019, he founded AP Project and started their collaboration with the German publishing house Archive Books. His articles and exhibition reviews are published in Segno, Mousse Magazine, Public Art, L@ ft, The Art Newspaper, and other art magazines. His project “Death-Ray on the Coral Island” is selected as Emerging Curators Projects 2021 (Powerstation of Art, Shanghai, 2021), “Infancy and History” is selected as finalist of research-based exhibition 2019(OCAT Institute, Beijing), he has collaborated the exhibitions: The Principle of Hope(Inside-out Art Musuem, 2021) 2nd Yinchuan Biennale Starting from the Desert: Ecologies on the Edge (Yinchuan, 2018), The Szechwan Tale: Theatre and History (Milan, 2018), the 1st Anren Biennale.


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中间美术馆 Inside-Out Art Museum 北京