玄莲昊 Michelle Yeonho Hyun

Photo: Courtesy of Inside-Out Art Museum

她与艺术家和其他人一起制作展览并组织活动。她阅读、写作、并探讨艺术和艺术之外的事物。她是上海纽约大学当代艺术中心(上纽ICA)的创始馆长和策展人。她曾是“上海种子”(2016)、光州双年展(2014)和加州大学圣地亚哥分校的策展人(2012-14)。她曾为New Museum(纽约市)、Creative Time(纽约市)和 What, How & For Whom(WHW)(萨格勒布)组织项目。


She makes exhibitions and events with artists and others. She sometimes writes and talks about art, among other things. She is the founding director and curator of the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) at NYU Shanghai since 2018. She worked previously as a curator for Shanghai Project (2016), Gwangju Biennale (2014), and the University of California San Diego (2012-14). She has also organized projects for the New Museum (New York, 2012), Creative Time (New York, 2011), and What, How & for Whom (WHW) (Zagreb, 2010).


Christian Nyampeta: The Evening School

中间美术馆 Inside-Out Art Museum 北京