马豪 Ma Hao

Photo: Courtesy of Song Art Museum

1994年出生,策展人,艺术家,Skyline Project天际线公共艺术项目发起人。毕业于英国皇家艺术学院(Royal College of Art),于2019年取得硕士学位(MA Ceramics & Glass)。他的主要研究方向为当代雕塑在公共艺术领域内的探索。他的策展项目密切关注在地艺术家以材料实践介入场域和公众关系的讨论,以及在跨文化背景下当代手工艺理论的发展。通过对空间场域的创新实验,进行跨地域的探索,构建与公众的对话。

Born in 1994, curator, artist, initiator of Skyline Project. Graduated from the Royal College of Art, UK, with a master's degree (MA Ceramics & Glass) in 2019. His main research direction is the exploration of contemporary sculpture in the field of public art. His curatorial projects closely follow the discussion of local artists' intervention in the relationship between site and the public through material practice, as well as the development of contemporary craft theory in a cross-cultural context. Through innovative experiments in spatial fields, cross-regional explorations are carried out to build dialogues with the public.



松美术馆 Song Art Museum 北京