凯拉·麦克唐纳 Kyla McDonald

Photo: Courtesy of Pond Society

一位居于柏林的策展人和艺术史学家。她的博士论文(2023年完成)涉及对“重新发现”概念的女性主义探究,研究了此前被忽视的艺术家Hilma af Klint、Lee Lozano和Betye Saar的展览的兴起。

她曾在波恩艺术协会、格拉斯哥雕塑工作室、泰特现代美术馆和泰特利物浦美术馆担任策展职务,与诸如Haegue Yang、Tino Sehgal、Hayley Tompkins、Omer Fast、Philippe Parreno、Nicolas Deshayes、Iman Issa、Nina Beier、Liz Magor和Haris Epaminonda等许多艺术家合作举办过展览。2018年,她在比利时蒙斯的Beaux-Arts Mons策划了Niki de Saint Phalle在比利时的首次回顾展。她的文章曾发表在《Spike International》、《Flash Art》、《Map Magazine》和《Kaleidoscope》,她还为学术期刊和展览目录撰写文章。

A curator and an art historian based in Berlin. Her doctoral thesis (completed in 2023) encompassed a feminist inquiry into the notion of ‘rediscovery’, producing a timely study on the rise of exhibitions focused on the previously overlooked artists Hilma af Klint, Lee Lozano, and Betye Saar. 

She has held curatorial roles at Bonner Kunstverein, Glasgow Sculpture Studios, Tate Modern, and Tate Liverpool, where she has realized exhibitions with artists such as Haegue Yang, Tino Sehgal, Hayley Tompkins, Omer Fast, Philippe Parreno, Nicolas Deshayes, Iman Issa, Nina Beier, Liz Magor, and Haris Epaminonda, among many others. In 2018 she curated Niki de Saint Phalle’s first retrospective exhibition in Belgium at Beaux-Arts Mons. Her writing has appeared in Spike International, Flash Art, Map Magazine, and Kaleidoscope, and she also writes for academic journals and exhibition catalogues.


Intimacy Rarely Makes Sense of Things

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