田畑幸人 Yukihito Tabata

Photo: Courtesy of Tokyo Gallery+BTAP

1950年出生于东京。1973年从和光大学人文学院艺术系毕业,次年开始在东京画廊工作。 他致力于促进日本、韩国和中国之间的艺术交流。 2002年10月,他在北京大山子地区开设了北京东京艺术项目。

Born in Tokyo in 1950. After graduating from the Department of Art in the Faculty of Humanities at Wako University in 1973, he started working at Tokyo Gallery the following year. He focuses on promoting artistic exchange between Japan, Korea and China. In October 2002 he opened Beijing Tokyo Art Projects in the Dashanzi area of Beijing.


Su Xinping: The Walking Man, The Departing Horse

東京画廊+BTAP Tokyo Gallery+BTAP 北京