肖戈 Xiao Ge

Photo: Courtesy of Gravity Art Museum

艺术家、策展人、媒体人‍,现任凤凰艺术总编辑、副总裁、凤凰中心馆长。出生于艺术世家,毕业于中央美术学院、法国巴黎国立高等美术学院等多所高校,2009年归国定居北京‍。作为策展人,曾任第九届上海双年展“中山公园计划”策展人;2013年第55届威尼斯双年展平行展“大运河”策展人,以艺术之举推动中国大运河成功申遗;2019 年,与乔纳斯·斯坦普(Jonas Stampe)成立策展组合,策划CHAO艺术中心年度大展“观看之道”等。2014年加盟凤凰卫视集团,作为联合创始人,与团队一起将“凤凰艺术”打造成为国内最具影响力的艺术媒体之一,并策划了很多极具影响力的展览与活动。

An artist, curator, and media person, she is currently the editor-in-chief, vice president of Phoenix Art, and director of Phoenix Center. Born in an artistic family, she graduated from many universities such as the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In 2009, she returned to China and settled in Beijing. As a curator, she served as the curator of the "Zhongshan Park Project" of the 9th Shanghai Biennale; the curator of the "Grand Canal" parallel exhibition of the 55th Venice Biennale in 2013, promoting China's Grand Canal with artistic actions Successfully applied for World Heritage status; in 2019, she established a curatorial combination with Jonas Stampe to curate the CHAO Art Center's annual exhibition "Ways of Seeing" and more. In 2014, she joined Phoenix TV Group. As a co-founder, she worked with the team to build "Phoenix Art" into one of the most influential art media in China, and planned many influential exhibitions and activities.


Yang Song: Speed, Light and Matter

重美术馆 Gravity Art Museum 北京