王菊樱 Evelyn Wang

Photo: Courtesy of None Project

独立策展人,上海ROOM V VR ART STATION发起人与联合创始人。曾任艺仓美术馆助理策展人、艺仓新媒体艺术与科技中心总监,研究并参与策划多项新媒体艺术展览与亚洲当代艺术展。并策划台湾多起重大建设公共艺术项目和民众参与计画,桃园机场二期航站楼门户公共艺术─乘.光.飛.行、新北市地铁环状线全线公共艺术与色彩计画,以台北地铁芦洲线芦洲站─舞之羽,拿下公共艺术最佳创意表现大奖。近期的策展和新媒体艺术项目为第五空间ROOM V─虚拟现实艺术展、后乐园 Lu Garden─陆家嘴绿岸艺术节-、Virtual Crossing 虚拟交会舞蹈剧场、非此即彼/那些被隐匿的时光Either Or /Those remote days─ 苏宁艺术馆国际新媒体艺术特展。Evelyn关注当今社会在科技极速发展下不断变动的环境中,如何透过艺术作为方法的介入,使人们保有独立思考与想像空间。

Independent curator, initiator and co-founder of Shanghai ROOM V VR ART STATION. He once served as the assistant curator of Yicang Art Museum and the director of Yicang New Media Art and Technology Center. He researched and participated in the planning of a number of new media art exhibitions and Asian contemporary art exhibitions. He also planned many major construction public art projects and public participation plans in Taiwan, including Taoyuan Airport Phase 2 Terminal Portal Public Art - Take. Light. fly. The Taipei Metro Luzhou Line's Luzhou Station - Dancing Feather won the award for the best creative expression of public art. Recent curatorial and new media art projects include Fifth Space ROOM V─Virtual Reality Art Exhibition, Korakuen Lu Garden─Lujiazui Green Bank Art Festival-, Virtual Crossing Virtual Rendezvous Dance Theater, Either/Or/Those Hidden Times Either Or /Those remote days─ Special exhibition of international new media art at Suning Art Museum. Evelyn is concerned about how today's society, in an ever-changing environment with the rapid development of science and technology, uses art as a method of intervention to enable people to maintain space for independent thinking and imagination.


Atman One: Thunder Roars

None Project 上海