张雨卓 Zhang Yuzhuo

Photo: Courtesy of Zhang Yuzhuo

1992年生于江苏无锡宜兴,双硕士毕业于南京艺术学院艺术史专业及MICA美国马里兰艺术学院策展专业。在洛杉矶、巴尔的摩、费城、纽约、华盛顿、北京、上海、广州、珠海、南京、无锡、台州等地策划数十场展览及活动。曾作为马里兰艺术学院GradEx展览协会的组织者在马里兰州策划多个艺术项目。17年在美国ICA Baltimore策展“White Lies白色谎言”,关注种族及移民等议题。18年于美国Gallery CA策划与文化、语言及身份主题相关的展览“Babble喋喋不休”。18年策划美籍意大利先锋艺术家Lucio Pozzi在美国马里兰州的首个独立艺术空间行为项目A Declaration in Patchameena。19-21年与日本艺术家Naoko Wowsugi及美国岩石城VisArts艺术中心联合发起“Empathy Zone同感地带”艺术项目(由美国华盛顿DC的Commission on the Arts&Humanities支持)。22年策划江苏宜兴市第一个美术馆级当代艺术群展“变奏——新千年以来的青年艺术”。23年策划并发起“南京青年”艺术项目,持续关注本土在地艺术生态及区域性青年艺术发展。曾工作于洛杉矶18街艺术中心、洛杉矶当代艺术展览馆(LACE)、德基美术馆、南艺美术馆、南京经典拍卖、南视觉美术馆、BananaArtSpace等。目前正在上海交通大学攻读博士学位。现生活工作于上海、南京和洛杉矶。

Born in Yixing, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province in 1992, he graduated with double master's degrees in art history from Nanjing University of the Arts and curatorial major from MICA, Maryland Institute College of Art. Planned dozens of exhibitions and events in Los Angeles, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Washington, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Nanjing, Wuxi, Taizhou and other places. Served as the organizer of the GradEx Exhibition Association of the Maryland Institute College of Art and planned multiple art projects in Maryland. In 2017, he curated the exhibition "White Lies" at ICA Baltimore in the United States, focusing on issues such as race and immigration. In 2018, he curated the exhibition "Babble" related to themes of culture, language and identity at Gallery CA in the United States. In 2018, he planned the Italian-American avant-garde artist Lucio Pozzi's first independent art space performance project A Declaration in Patchameena in Maryland, USA. From 19 to 2021, he jointly launched the "Empathy Zone" art project with Japanese artist Naoko Wowsugi and the VisArts Art Center in Rock City, USA (supported by the Commission on the Arts & Humanities in Washington, DC, USA). In 22 years, he planned the first museum-level contemporary art group exhibition "Variations - Youth Art since the New Millennium" in Yixing, Jiangsu Province. He has planned and launched the "Nanjing Youth" art project for 23 years, and continues to pay attention to the local art ecology and regional youth art development. He has worked in Los Angeles 18th Street Art Center, Los Angeles Contemporary Art Exhibition Center (LACE), Deji Art Museum, Nanjing Art Museum, Nanjing Classic Auction, Nanjing Visual Art Museum, BananaArtSpace, etc. Currently studying for a PhD at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Currently lives and works in Shanghai, Nanjing and Los Angeles.


Niu Fang: Choas

问象艺术空间 WeShine Art Space 南京