林植 Lin Zhi ( b.1988 )

Photo: Courtesy of ArtDepot Gallery


林植的绘画多描绘ONE CHILD的形象,承载艺术家对时间与空间的生命感知以及对事物运行规律的探寻,通过对进入画面元素与笔触的控制与摘取,表现社会的多元意志与形态并对信仰的根源进行重塑。林植的作品并不追求准确的答案与肯定的意义,更多给予观者一种生成状态的感受,带来关于纯粹绘画的宁静共鸣。

Born in Shantou, Guangdong Province in 1988, lived in Bangkok, Thailand from 2013 to 2020, and now lives and works in Guangzhou. 

Lin Zhi's paintings mostly depict the image of ONE CHILD, carrying the artist's perception of life in time and space and his exploration of the law of the operation of things. Through the control and extraction of elements and brushstrokes entering the picture, he expresses the diverse will and form of society and reshapes the root of belief. Lin Zhi's works do not seek accurate answers and positive meanings, but rather give the viewer a feeling of a generative state, bringing quiet resonance about pure painting.


Lin Zhi: Today Should Be A Good Day

艺术仓库 ArtDepot 北京