宋冬 Song Dong ( b.1966 )

Photo: Courtesy of Artist Studio

1966年⽣于北京。1989年毕业于⾸都师范⼤学美术系,现⽣活和⼯作于北京。作为最具国际影响⼒的艺术家之⼀,宋冬开放性的创作过程及贯穿其中的东⽅式哲思使其作品呈现出了举重若轻的独特个⼈⻛格,并为其赢得了国际艺术界的⼴泛关注与赞誉。 ⾃上世纪90年代初期开始,宋冬以⼤量事件性艺术活动积极参与到中国当代艺术进程中。他的艺术形式横跨⾏为、录像、装置、摄影、观念绘画和戏剧等多媒介 ,并参与策划当代艺术的展览和活动。他擅⻓⽤⺠间及⽇常中⼈们⾃⾝最熟悉的环境和⽂化,在整个全球化的发展当中创造出⼀种具有包容性的对话模式,将深刻的思辨性和通俗化的感性体验和谐的统⼀于⼀⾝。他的作品⽤东⽅智慧探讨⽣活与艺术的关系,对⼈类⾏为短暂性的观念进⾏了探索,⽤“无界”的理念进⾏创作和⽣活。

宋冬的作品曾展出于卡塞尔⽂献展(2012)、威尼斯双年展(2011)、圣保罗双年展(2004)、光州双年展(2006, 2002, 1995)等众多国际艺术展。他的个展曾展出 于纽约现代艺术博物馆、荷兰格罗宁根博物馆、杜塞尔多夫美术馆、上海外滩 美术馆等。宋冬曾获得AAC年度装置艺术家(2017)、CCAA中国当代艺术奖杰 出贡献奖(2014)、中国当代艺术权⼒榜年度艺术家(2012)、光州双年展⼤奖(2006)。他的作品被纽约现代艺术博物馆、⼤都会博物馆、古根海姆博物馆、 英国泰特现代艺术博物馆、法国蓬⽪杜艺术中⼼、香港M+博物馆、尤伦斯艺术基⾦会等重要博物馆和艺术机构收藏。

Born in Beijing in 1966. He graduated from the Fine ArtsDepartment of Capital Normal University in 1989 and now lives and works in Beijing. As one of the most internationally influential artists, SongDong's distinctive artistic language is rooted in his open-ended practice and permeated with Eastern philosophies, garnering him wide attention and acclaim in the art world. Since the early 1990s, Song has been actively engaged in the development of Chinese contemporary art with numerous groundbreaking event-based art activities. He practices with diverse medias panning performance, video, installation, photography, conceptual painting, and theater, and has participated in exhibition and event curations. He specializes in utilizing folkloric and mundane language in everyday life and culture to create inclusive dialogues under globalization seamlessly synthesizing profound ideas with sensual experiences. Song's work discusses the relationship between life and art through an Eastern lens and explores the transient nature of the human condition, practicing his art and living his life with the idea of "no boundaries."

Song Dong has participated in numerous important international art exhibitions including Documenta 13 (2012), Venice Biennale (201 1), theSao Paulo Biennale (2004),the Gwangju Biennale (2006, 2002, 1995).His solo exhibitions were held at the Museum of Modern Art (New York). the Groninger Museum (Groningen), the Kunsthalle (Hamburg), the Rockbund Art Museum (Shanghai) among others. Song has won awards including the Grand Award presented by the Artron Art China (AAC) Video and installation Artist of the Year (2017), the Chinese ContemporaryArt Award (CCAA) for Outstanding Achievement (2014),the Power 100of Chinese Contemporary Art: Artist of the Year (2012) and the GwangjuBiennale (2006). His works are collected by important museums and art institutions such as Museum of Modern Art (New York), the MetropolitanMuseum of Art (New York), Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (NewYork), Tate Modern (London), Centre Pompidou (Paris), M+ (Hong Kong) and Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing), among other important museums and art institutions.


Song Dong: Thirteen Houses

松美术馆 Song Art Museum 北京