朱迪·芝加哥 Judy Chicago ( b.1939 )

Photo: Courtesy of Artist Studio

1939 年 7 月 20 日出生于伊利诺伊州芝加哥,是一位美国女权主义艺术家、艺术教育家和作家,以她的关于出生和创造图像的大型合作艺术装置作品而闻名,这些作品探讨了女性在历史和文化中的作用。20 世纪 70 年代,芝加哥在加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校(以前的弗雷斯诺州立学院)创办了美国第一个女权主义艺术项目,该项目在 20 世纪 70 年代成为女权主义艺术和艺术教育的催化剂。她的作品被收录在世界各地的数百种出版物中,展示了她在世界艺术界的影响力。此外,她的许多书籍已在其他国家出版,使她的作品更容易被国际读者所接受。芝加哥的作品融合了针线活等多种艺术技巧,同时还运用了焊接和烟火等技能。她最著名的作品是《晚宴》,永久陈列在布鲁克林博物馆的伊丽莎白·A·萨克勒女性主义艺术中心。《晚宴》颂扬了历史上女性的成就,被广泛认为是第一部史诗般的女性主义艺术作品。芝加哥的其他著名艺术项目包括《国际荣誉被子》、《生育计划》、《权力游戏》 和《大屠杀计划》。 她的作品由杰西卡·西尔弗曼画廊代理。

芝加哥被《时代》杂志评选为“2018 年最具影响力的 100 人”。

Born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1939. She is an American feminist artist, art educator, and writer known for her large collaborative art installation pieces about birth and creation images, which examine the role of women in history and culture. During the 1970s, Chicago founded the first feminist art program in the United States at California State University, Fresno (formerly Fresno State College) which acted as a catalyst for feminist art and art education during the 1970s. Her inclusion in hundreds of publications in various areas of the world showcases her influence in the worldwide art community. Additionally, many of her books have been published in other countries, making her work more accessible to international readers. Chicago's work incorporates a variety of artistic skills, such as needlework, counterbalanced with skills such as welding and pyrotechnics. Her most well-known work is The Dinner Party, which is permanently installed in the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum. The Dinner Party celebrates the accomplishments of women throughout history and is widely regarded as the first epic feminist artwork. Other notable art projects by Chicago include International Honor Quilt, Birth Project, Powerplay, and The Holocaust Project. She is represented by Jessica Silverman gallery.

Chicago was included in Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People of 2018".


El Otro, El Mismo

Longlati经纬艺术中心 Longlati Foundation 上海