云永业 Yun Yongye ( b.1990 )

Photo: Courtesy of HdM Gallery

1990 年出生于海南,目前居住和工作于武汉。




他曾在武汉 RS_PROJECTS 艺术空间举办个展,并在北京 Tong Gallery+Project、武汉美术文献艺术中心和武汉白社画廊举办联展。

Born in 1990, Hainan, China. He lives and works in Wuhan

Yun Yongye is a miniaturist, yet his works are by no means the experience of an enclosed, minimalist object of reduced dimensions. On the contrary, Yun Yongye creates meticulously detailed pencil works on paper within a precise, often round, frame. Like a window onto another world, his works don't condense.they develop; they don't enclose, they open.

By pushing our gaze into a new dimension where order and gravity have no place, Yun Yongye hypnotizes our senses. The elements visible in these doors of the imagination often play with ambiguous or explicit themes such as eroticism or desire, antiquity and sexuality.

Yun Yongye's representations often play with the boundaries of surrealism, but always with a concern for representing details as realistically as possible. Our minds are thus thwarted, and driven to the desire to destructure these perfect forms themselves and use this surrealist setting to perpetuate reverie.

His work has been the subject of a solo presentation at RS_PROjECTs Wuhan and group exhibitions atTong Gallery Beijing, Fine Arts Literature Art Center Wuhan and White House Gallery Wuhan.


Yun Yongye: In the Pool of Day

HdM Gallery 北京