徐渠 Xu Qu ( b.1978 )

1978 年生于中国江苏 ,2008年获得布伦瑞克艺术大学艺术与电影专业硕士学位,现工作、生活于中国北京。

徐渠通过艺术实践传达其对社会的态度以及对世界的认知。他的创作核心在于探寻不同维度和领域内社会系统之间的相互关联。始于对社会现实敏锐深刻的洞察,徐渠由目光所及的细微处出发,见微知著,穿梭于不同价值体系和审美经验,延伸出对于社会系统运转间关联的反思。基于他对于自身思索凝练且清晰的呈现方式的追求,徐渠在艺术实践中针对不同议题选择适宜的媒介,他的艺术实践呈现出多元性,涉及绘画、行为、影像、 装置和雕塑等。  

Born in 1978 in Jiangsu, China.  Xu Qu graduated with a  MFA in Fine Arts and Film at Braunschweig University of Art, Germany in 2008.  The artist is currently lives and works in Beijing.

Xu Qu conveys his attitude towards society and his understanding of the world through artistic practice.  He focuses on exploring the interconnections among social systems in different dimensions and fields.  Starting from a profound insight into social reality, Xu Qu uncovers the subtle aspects within his field of vision, revealing the macro through a grasp of the micro.  He navigates through various value systems and aesthetic experiences, extending his reflections on the interplay of social systems.  Guided by his pursuit of concise and clear presentation, Xu Qu employs diverse media to address different topics, resulting in a multidimensional artistic practice that encompasses painting, performance, video, installation, and sculpture.


Xu Qu: Emergence

凯旋画廊 Triumph Gallery 北京