吴啸海 Wu Xiaohai ( b.1972 )

Photo: Courtesy of Artist Studio

1972年生于湖南,1997年毕业于中央美术学院壁画系。现为中央美术学院教授,博士生导师,中央美术学院研究生院副院长。2008年被 BEAUX ART 评选为“2008年度全球十位最具潜力艺术家”。作品曾展出于柏林STARKE基金会美术馆、伦敦/苏格兰电影协会、巴黎夏悠宫国立剧院、巴黎大皇宫、BFI 英国电影协会、保加利亚国家美术馆、王储基金会传统艺术学院、中间美术馆、成都美术馆、武汉美术馆、西安当代美术馆、中央美术学院美术馆,并在位于法国、德国、英国、保加利亚、西班牙等国外数个重要机构展出。作品被中央美术学院美术馆、 FRAC Pays de la Loire、法国政府等机构收藏。


Born in Hunan in 1972, graduated from the Mural department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1997. Now he is a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a doctoral supervisor, and the vice president of the Graduate School of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 2008, he was selected by BEAUX ART as "Top Ten Most Potential Artists in the World in 2008". His works have been exhibited in STARKE Foundation Art Museum in Berlin, London/Scottish Film Association, Chaillot Palace National Theatre in Paris, Grand Palace in Paris, BFI British Film Association, Bulgarian National Art Museum, Crown Prince Foundation School of Traditional Art, Inside-out Art Museum, Chengdu Art Museum, Wuhan Art Museum, Xi 'an Contemporary Art Museum and Central Academy of Fine Arts, and have been exhibited in several important foreign institutions in France, Germany, Britain, Bulgaria and Spain. His works have been collected by the Art Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, FRAC Pays de la Loire, the French government and other institutions.


Wu Xiaohai: Mythology

又生空间 Cycle Space 北京