于吉 Yu Ji ( b.1985 )

Photo: Courtesy of Artist Studio



Born in Shanghai, China in 1985, currently works and lives in Shanghai, China and New York, USA.

Running throughout Yu Ji’s sculptural work is an acknowledgement of the body. The cast of a limb, the outline of a body part – Yu Ji creates sensitive yet weighty anatomical and amorphous objects that evoke a sense of eery mechanical disengagement, as if an alter human had been created then pilfered. Consider, for example, ‘Altar the Ghost’ (2018), in which, amidst a sea of black sand, there are a series of cast and cast-away objects. Upon closer contemplation, one identifies a hand, a structure that resembles a torso; the tones vary from a warm beige to grey. The titles of each work emphasise the physical and sense of absence, incorporating terms such as ‘flesh’ and ‘ghost’, pointing to a spectral existence. Heightening a sense of tender presence is the permeation of balance: each object is mounted, hooked, reliant upon another element, a visualisation that is emphasised by the incorporation of towering and leaning pillars, each of which have an odd levity given their materials of cement and iron.


The Third Bank of the River

松美术馆 Song Art Museum 北京