吴易陵 Beryl Wu ( b.1993 )

Photo: Courtesy of Artist Studio

1993年生于台中,伦敦UAL Ravensbourne MDes Design Management Innovation毕业。她的绘画从生活汲取灵感,如:翻白眼的女孩捧着一汪眼泪;植物张牙舞爪地伸出枝叶、长出垂涎的果实;盛放的花朵宛如性器隐喻情欲等,从女性视角刻画身体意识,也表露内心情感的源头。

Born in Taichung in 1993, she graduated with an MDes in Design Management Innovation from UAL Ravensbourne, London, and once worked as a graphic designer. Her paintings are inspired by life experiences: a girl rolling her eyes holds back a pool of tears; plants extend their branches threateningly, laden with tempting fruits; blooming flowers mimic sexual organs, representing desire. These artworks explore body awareness from a female perspective and uncover the roots of inner emotions.


Animamix 2024

诚品画廊 Eslite Gallery 台北