李冠王真 Likuanzhen ( b.1991 )

Photo: Courtesy of Artist Studio

1991年生于南投埔里,大学就读实践大学服装设计系,曾在时装产业担任造形助理,也推出自己的服装品牌。时装产业的高压让她一度陷入低潮,此时开始画画,绘画使她静心,所有不愉快的经历也成了创作养分。2020年起从事数字插画创作,更自由地表述对世界的奇想,2023年「You are Shine」系列鼓励大家在黑暗中看见闪烁的自己,「花」则比喻经历黑暗才能绽放蕴藏的天赋。

Born in 1991 in Puli, Nantou, she studied Fashion Design at Shih Chien University. She worked as a styling assistant in the fashion industry and later launched her own clothing brand. The intense pressure of the fashion industry once plunged her into a low point. It was during this time that she began painting—art became her refuge, transforming her challenging experiences into sources of creative inspiration. Since 2020, she has engaged in digital illustration, allowing her to express her fantastical views of the world more freely. Her You Are Shine series in 2023 inspires people to recognize their own brilliance amidst darkness, while "flowers" metaphorically suggest that one must endure dark times to bloom and reveal their hidden gifts. 


Animamix 2024

诚品画廊 Eslite Gallery 台北