刘正堃 Abei Liu ( b.1981 )

Photo: Courtesy of Artist Studio

1981年出生,台北设计师兼插画家,毕业于台北实践大学服装设计系,与太太 Gigi 一起成立的ELEBBIT 大象兔 设计工作室,是他的主业,闲时爱用幽默风趣的小清新画来记录和思考生活。

Born in 1981, he is a Taipei designer and illustrator. He graduated from the Department of Fashion Design at Taipei Shih Chien University. He founded the ELEBBIT Design Studio with his wife Gigi, which is his main business. In his spare time, he likes to use humorous and fresh paintings to record and think about life.


Animamix 2024

诚品画廊 Eslite Gallery 台北