张萌 Zhang Meng ( b.1983 )

Photo: Courtesy of ShanghART Gallery


张萌的蜡实验绘画取材于她的梦境、记忆和神话,以及她日常生活中的瞬间和片段。她试图进入自己的内心世界和潜意识,用日常生活碎片之间的偶然联系来揭示存在的脆弱性。她的绘画成为表达现实、精神世界和视觉图像交汇处的一种途径。2022-2023年张萌受资于德国Stiftung Kunstfonds艺术家奖金并曾于2020年在德国Schloss Plüschow驻地。

Born in Tianjin, China in 1983, Zhang Meng received her PhD from the National Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe, Germany. She currently lives and works in Stuttgart, Germany and Beijing.

Meng Zhang's drawings with wax experiments are based on her dreams, memories, and mythologies, as well as moments and fragments from her everyday life. She tries to access her inner world and subconscious, illuminating the fragility of existence with the contingency between the fragments of daily life. Her drawing becomes a means to express where reality, the spirit, and the visual image meet. Furthermore, figures in her paintings are often emotionally troubled and detached or obscured and hidden within the landscapes, conveying a sense of fragility and strangeness. This is also tangible in the media she employs charcoal, pencil, hot wax, and paper, which are naturally brittle, slippery, and ephemeral.


In Harmony With The Way

香格纳画廊 ShanghART Gallery 上海