姚清妹 Yao Qingmei ( b.1982 )

Photo: Courtesy of ShanghART Gallery


她的实践主要围绕行为表演,影像和相关装置展开,揉杂了剧场布景,服装,文本,讲演,游戏,声音诗以及现代舞编舞。她通过对特定空间实施干预,扰乱既定规则,探索在日常生活中的象征符号,以及被这些符号哺育的身体如何获取或丧失权力, 打破表演与其场地之间的边界。她的创作时常运用,错位,隐喻和讽喻形式对政治和社会机制提出质疑,显现出一种对峙中的张力状态,即扎根于严肃的批判又流露出一丝怪诞的滑稽和轻盈。她试图通过挖掘身体的松弛和个体的独特的自发性,激发不同的语言模式,肢体运动和思想观点的碰撞,从而触及既定框架的缝隙并寻找抵抗的形式。

Born in Zhejiang in 1982. She entered École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Limoges In 2007, and graduated in 2013 from  École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Villa Arson Nice with DNSEP (Master) degree in Fine Arts. In 2014, she won the Jury Special Award at the 59th Salon de Montrouge and received the AIC Individual Creation Fund from the Limousin region in France. In 2017, she won the inaugural Porsche “Young Chinese Artist of the Year” award in Shanghai. In 2018, she was selected and awarded the 68th "Jeune Création" Prize in Paris. In 2022, she received the Asian Cultural Council New York Fellowship and the AIC Individual Creation Fund from the Île-de-France region. Currently lives and works in Paris.

Her practice focuses primarily on performance,  video and related installation, incorporating elements of scenography, costumes, texts, lectures, games, sound poetry, and contemporary choreography. By intervening in specific spaces, she disrupts established rules, explores the symbols of everyday life, and examines how bodies nurtured by these symbols gain or lose power, breaking the boundaries between performance and its setting. Her works often use displacement, metaphor, and allegory to question the mechanisms of political and social issues, revealing a tension of confrontation rooted in serious critique yet tinged with burlesque and lightness. She seeks to stimulate collisions between different modes of language, body movements, and perspectives by exploring the loosening of the body and the unique spontaneity of the individual, thus touching the interstices of established frameworks and seeking forms of resistance.


In Harmony With The Way

香格纳画廊 ShanghART Gallery 上海